- Scrubbing the claims on your computers to ensure all claims are entered correctly, appropriate modifiers are used, and, above all, the codes are correct; all data will stay with you.
- Training upfront staff.
- Old A/R recovery: If you are behind on your denied claims and losing money because they are past the timely filing limit, we can help you get paid.
- EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) enrollment
- EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) enrollment
- Negotiating insurance contracts
- Maintaining and revalidating credentialing
- Arranging lockbox services
- Medical license application processing and renewal
- DEA registration and renewal
- Malpractice liability insurance selection and renewal
- Payer fee schedule creation and maintenance
- Notifications 90, 60, and 30 days prior to any license expirations, including DEA, state licenses, board certification, etc.
- Notifications 120 and 90 days prior to any upcoming hospital or facility recredentialing needs
- Notifications 120 and 90 days prior to malpractice expiration